Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Create Your Love Contest Terms & Conditions

Enter Contest

A) This contest is open to all Malaysian & Singapore residents

B) By participating in this contest, participants agree to be bound by the official rules and regulations of the contest and agree that decisions made by 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd are final and conclusive. No queries whatsoever will be entertained.

C) How to enter:

1. The Create Your Love Contest is based on the personalized greeting card designed and :
a) emailed
b) MMS or
c) tagged Seven Ants ~ message us the facebook photo link (must be participant own masterpieces)

There are Two (2) waves in the contest and each wave shall be published in 7Ants' blog and 7Ants' Facebook commencing on 1st Jan until 15th Mar 2011.

1a) First wave (1st – 20th Feb 2011) : Masterpieces Collection
1b) Second wave (1st -15th Mar 2011) : Masterpieces Voting

2. Participants are required to Create a personalized greeting card with LOVE shape, with theme of Chinese New Year expressions. (Participants can freely choose a Chinese New Year related theme dedicated to orphans and old folks). Any language will do but must accompany with official logo. (refer bottom for the logos)

3. The design MUST be accompanied with Share Our Love & 7Ants Official logo, participant's full name (as per IC), IC number, daytime telephone contact number, e-mail address, mailing address and facebook account. Artwork will be disqualify if without any of these.

4. Entries should be emailed to games@7ants.com, MMS to 010-8882837 or message the facebook photo link to us and must be received by the specified closing date as advertised. Postal entries will not be accepted.

5. Participant can submit as many masterpieces as possible but only one (1) masterpiece will win the prize. Late, illegible, incomplete, defaced or corrupt entries will not be accepted. No responsibility can be accepted for lost entries and proof of transmission will not be accepted as proof of receipt. Entries must not be sent through agencies or third parties.

6. Image files must be clear, min 2.0 MB and less than 3MB

7. All masterpieces submitted must be the artwork of the individual submitting them and must not have been published elsewhere. It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure that any images/masterpieces he or she submits has been taken with the permission of the subject and does not infringe the copyright of any third party or any laws. Participants warrant that the masterpieces they submit are their own work and that they own the copyright for it.

8. Copyright of all images/masterpieces submitted for this competition remains with the respective participants. However, in consideration of their providing the image/masterpieces for the contest, each participant grants a worldwide, irrevocable and perpetual license to 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd to feature any or all of the submitted images/masterpieces in any of their publications, websites and/or in any promotional materials connected to this contest.

9. 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd shall at its sole and absolute discretion select the winner(s) based on the following criteria: highest number of ‘LIKE’ vote (80%) in Facebook, meet the requirement, visually appealing, creative, original photograph and also the marks given by official judges (20%).

10. The winning photograph will be published in 7Ants’ blog and 7Ants’ Facebook

11. All winners will be notified via email on a best effort basis within seven (7) days of the announcement. Winners must confirm receipt of the email notification of their win from 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd by replying via email to the same 7 Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd address or as notified by 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd within seven (7) days from the date of receipt of the email notification.

12. In the event that the winner does not revert to 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd within the stipulated time period, 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd reserves the right to withdraw the prizes from the winner without any notification to the winner.

13. 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd reserves the right to cancel, terminate or suspend the contest without any prior notice. For the avoidance of doubt, any cancellation, termination or suspension by 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd of the contest shall not entitle the participant to any claim or compensation against 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd for any and all losses or damages which may be suffered or incurred by the participant as a direct or an indirect result of the act of cancellation, termination or suspension.

14. 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd is entitled to use, publish or feature the winners and/or their picture/masterpieces for publicity and advertising purposes. 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd reserves the right to delay the timing of the publication of the winners of the contest. All information provided will be kept strictly private and confidential.

16. Winners are fully responsible for any injuries, damages or claims as a result of their participation in the contest, usage of their prizes and/or collection of their prizes. 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd accepts no responsibility for lost, misdirected, illegible, late, mutilated or altered entries. Entries that do not comply with these terms and conditions will be disqualified.

17. 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd shall not be liable for any disruption to the contest, whether due to technical problems or otherwise, which is beyond its reasonable control. In the event of disruption to the contest, reasonable effort shall be used to remedy the disruption and resume the contest on a fair and equitable basis to the participants.

18. By entering this contest, participants unconditionally and irrevocably agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Any breach of the terms and conditions may, at 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd' absolute discretion, result in forfeiture of any prize.

19. 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd reserves the right at its absolute discretion to vary, delete or add to any of these terms and conditions without any prior notice. These terms and conditions will prevail over any inconsistent terms, conditions, provisions or representations contained in any other promotional materials advertising the contest.

20. All prizes cannot be exchanged in full, or partially for cash or other equivalents.


1 x Champion : Lomography Camera + Certificate
5 x Consolation : Special Voucher + Certificate

1. The prizes cannot be full, or partially exchanged or sold for cash and is non-transferable.
2. 7Ants Marketing Sdn Bhd reserves the right to replace the prizes with items of similar value at any time.
3. The winners are required to arrange their own transportation and expenses to attend the award ceremony.

For further information, kindly contact us at 7ants

7ants' Logo                     Share Our Love' Logo

sol : 1020