Sunday, November 7, 2010

9 Spot's 100 Snacks ~ 38 : 顺发肉骨茶

Jalan Sutera 1, Taman Sentosa

顺发肉骨茶营业时间:9:00am-9:00pm (星期五休息)
Business Hour: 9:00am-9:00pm (closed every Friday)

Spacious and comfortable environment, for customer to enjoy the signature dish "Bak Kut Teh"..

潮州式肉骨茶 潮州式的肉骨茶,口味较为清淡,虽然如此,由各种香料与药材熬煮出来的肉骨茶,却能散发出淡淡的药材味,汤汁清甜,让人回味无穷。老板采用炭火熬煮,以保留肉骨茶的原味。肉骨鲜嫩,沾上辣酱,更衬托出其层次感。搭配白饭,让人一口接一口的大快朵颐。

"Teow Cheow" style “Bak Ku Teh , taste much lighter than the tradition 1Despite it didn't serve with a heavy stock, but with some excellent herbs it still come out to be 1 of the most welcome soup in town. Cooks here prepare the "Bak Kut Teh" soup with charcoal in order to enhance the origin flavour of the soup. Fresh pork ribs, serve with homemade chili sauce, it definitely worth to try.


1 of the signature dish - Chicken with Ginger & Wine.
"Kampung" chicken are leaner and solid, with fully absorbs the fragrant of wine to become much tasteful.This dish has the effect of protecting stomach, promote blood circulation, it also helps women in confinement to get rid of coldness and wind in the body

推荐指数:4 颗星
Recommended index: 4